Home Projects


Senior Design

Description of project The senior design project I was assigned to work on was CySecAgri. The deliverable for this project was a user friendly web application that aggregated farming IoT sensor d...

CprE 308 Shell Design

Overview: During CprE 308 we were tasked with creating our own version of a shell for interacting with a linux operatin system. Whereas my CprE 381 project was mostly hard work and applying diffic...

Texas Hold'em Web Application

Overview: CprE 186 is the lesser know project based follow up to CprE 185. In this class students are broken up into teams and tasked with coming up with a small project to work on throughout the y...

CprE 381 Processor Design

Intro This project was the most time consuming and effort intensive projects I undertook during my time at Iowa State University. The deliverable for this project was a 5 stage pipelined proceesso...