CprE 186 is the lesser know project based follow up to CprE 185. In this class students are broken up into teams and tasked with coming up with a small project to work on throughout the year. My team of 4 decided on making a simple Texas Hold’em game that could be hosted on a webserver. Being that we were all freshman, this project required an incredible amount of learning. These files can be found on my “github”.
My Role
Coming into this project I had the most experience working with the web app framework Vue.js so I ended up being the team lead. I was responsible for not only developing significant parts of the application but also for delegating work to my fellow team members. I also helped to answer many common questions the team had while they were trying to get familiar with JavaScript and Vue.js in general.
Lessons Learned
The biggest lesson I took away from this project was the important of starting from the same foundational knowledge. All 4 of our group members came into this project at vastly different skill levels and with different programming experience. I would have been able to save myself and our team a lot of time if I had just given a brief intro presentation about the basics of Vue.js to our entire team instead of doing it one on one with each team member over the course of a week of work.
Resources Used
Most of the resources I used for this project were random stack overflow posts. However, for getting my team members up to date on Vue.js I turned to the official Vue.js “documentation”. These docs are incredibly detailed and provide lots of helpful examples and interactive tools. This was the most important resource for my team during our project.